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Before using the API, you need to log in to the website and create an API key with the proper permissions.
You can manage your API keys by clicking .
Each user account can create up to 10 API keys, each with two permissions:
Read permission: used to query data, e.g. quotation data.
Trade permission: used to create orders, cancel orders, and perform transfers.
Please remember below information after creation:
this key is included in API requests to identify the origin of the request.
used to generate the signature (visible only once after creation).
used to further secure your API access. Note that the passphrase cannot be recovered if lost, so a new API key would need to be generated.
When creating an API key, you have the option to bind it to a specific IP address. For security reasons, it is highly recommended to bind an IP address to your API key. This adds an extra layer of security and ensures that your API key can only be used from the designated IP address.
Risk Note: API key, secret key, and passphrase are crucial to account security. Keep passphrase safe and do not reveal keys. Loss of keys may result in asset loss. If API key is compromised, delete immediately.
This section mainly divides the endpoint type into two aspects::
Public endpoint
Endpoints can be accessed freely.
Private endpoint
Endpoints require authentication using your API Key.
Rest API will return 429 status when access exceeds the frequency limit: too frequent requests.
Rest API
If a valid API Key is provided, frequency will be limited by API Key, otherwise it will be limited by public IP. Frequency limit rules vary per endpoint, with a general limit of 10 requests/s.
You can use The Base Endpoint access method to operate by yourself.
Making Requests
All REST requests must include the following headers:
ACCESS-KEY:Your API Key as a string.
ACCESS-SIGN:Base64 encoded signatures (see Signing messages).。
ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:The timestamp of your request.
ACCESS-PASSPHRASE:The passphrase you set when creating the API Key.
Content-Type:Always set to"application/json"。
locale: Supports multiple languages such as Chinese (zh-CN) and English (en-US).
ACCESS-SIGN The request header is correct timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body String (+ represents string concatenation) is used HMAC SHA256 Method encrypt and pass*BASE64* Produced by encoding the output.
Signature field
timestamp: matches the "access-Timestamp" header
method: uppercase request method (POST/GET)
requestPath: path of the requested endpoint
queryString: query string in the URL after the "?" symbol
body: string representation of request body, can be omitted if no body in request (usually GET requests).
When the queryString is empty, the signature format
timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + body
Signature format when queryString is not empty
timestamp + method.toUpperCase() + requestPath + "?" + queryString + body
For example
Get the depth information of the contract. Take cmt_btcusdt as an example:
Timestamp = 1591089508404
Method = "GET"
requestPath = "/api/swap/v3/market/depth"
queryString= "?symbol=cmt_btcusdt&limit=20"
Generate the string to be signed:
Order by contract, take cmt_btcusdt as an example:
Timestamp = 1561022985382
Method = "POST"
requestPath = "/api/swap/v3/order/placeOrder"
body = {"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt","size":"8","type":"1","match_price":"1","order_type":"1","client_oid":"ww#123456"}
Generate the string to be signed:
The steps to generate the final signature
Step 1, encrypt the string to be signed with hmac sha256 using the private key secretkey
Signature = hmac_sha256(secretkey, Message)
Step 2, Base64 encoding for Signature
Signature = base64.encode(Signature)
All requests are based on the Https protocol, and the Content-Type in the request header should be set to: 'application/json'.
Request interaction specification
Request parameters: Parameter encapsulation according to the interface request parameter
Submit request parameters: The encapsulated request parameters are submitted to the server via GET/POST.
Server response: The server first checks the user request data for parameter security, and after passing the check, the response data is sent as JSON format is returned to the user.。
Data processing: Processing of server response data.
The HTTP status code 200 indicates a successful response and may contain content. If the response contains content, it is displayed in the corresponding return content.
Common Error Code
400 Bad Request – Invalid request format
401 Unauthorized – Invalid API Key
403 Forbidden – You do not have access to the requested resource
404 Not Found
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server
If you fail, the body has an error description
The Timestamp
This is a security measure to validate the timeliness of a client request in a web application. The request signature includes an access-Timestamp in milliseconds and the request is considered expired and rejected if it is more than 30 seconds away from the API service time. To avoid rejection due to time deviation, it's recommended to update the HTTP header by querying the API server time.
Limited Frequency Rules
This is rate limiting, where excessive requests are restricted and the client receives a "429 Too Many Requests" HTTP status code.
Public endpoint
such as the quotation endpoint, uniform frequency limit of up to 20 requests/second.
Private endpoint
Limits calls to authorization interfaces through apiKey, referring to frequency limiting rules for each endpoint.
The Request Format
Currently there are only two formats of request methods: GET and POST
GET: The parameters are passed to the server in the path via the queryString.
POST: The parameter is sent in JSON format to the body for transfer to the server.