Spot Market Data Endpoints
Get Ticker By Symbol
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
GET /api/spot/v1/market/ticker
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
high24h | 24h highest price |
close | Latest transaction price |
low24h | 24h lowest price |
quoteVol | Quote Currency volume |
baseVol | Base Currency volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
ts | System timestamp |
Get The Latest Ticker For All Symbols
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request Get the latest ticker for all coin pairs
GET /api/spot/v1/market/tickers
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
high24h | 24h highest price |
close | Latest transaction price |
low24h | 24h lowest price |
ts | System timestamp |
baseVol | Base coin volume |
quoteVol | Quote coin volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
Recent Trades List
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
GET /api/spot/v1/market/fills
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
limit | String | No | Default 100 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
symbol | Currency pair |
tradeId | trade id |
side | Trade direction |
fillPrice | Transaction price |
fillQuantity | Transaction quantity |
fillTime | Transaction time |
Kline/Candlestick Data
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
GET /api/spot/v1/market/candles
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
period | String | Yes | Candlestick line time unit, granularity (refer to the following list for values) |
after | String | No | Time after |
before | String | No | Time before |
limit | String | No | Default 100 |
Description | granularity |
1min | 60 |
5min | 300 |
15min | 900 |
30min | 1800 |
1h | 3600 |
4h | 14400 |
12h | 43200 |
1d | 86400 |
7d | 604800 |
Response Field
Field | Description |
ts | System timestamp |
open | Opening price |
high | Highest price |
low | Lowest price |
close | Closing price |
baseVol | Base Currency volume |
quoteVol | Quote Currency volume |
usdtVol | USDT volume |
Order Book
Rate limit rule: 20 request/1s
HTTP Request
GET /api/spot/v1/market/depth
Request parameter
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | String | Yes | Currency pair |
type | String | Yes | Default: step0: do not merge, value: step0, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5 |
limit | String | Yes | Default 500 |
Last updated