"epoch":"1591099099.896", //Unix timestamp in seconds
"iso":"2020-06-02T11:58:19.896Z", //SO8601 standard time format
"timestamp":1591099099896 //Unix timestamp in milliseconds
Response Field
Contract Information
Rate Limit:20 requests per 2 seconds
HTTP Requests Get market data.
GET /api/swap/v3/market/contracts
"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt", //Contract name
"coin":"USDT", //Margin currency
"contract_val":"0.0001", //Contract value
"delivery":[ //Settlement time
"forwardContractFlag":true, //(true or false) , forward contract or not
"priceEndStep":5, //Prices' Last Digit in Cents
"quote_currency":"USDT", //Denominated currency
"size_increment":"0", //Quantity Precision
"tick_size":"1", //Price Precision
"underlying_index":"BTC" //Contract currency
"minLeverage":1 // minimum leverage
"maxLeverage":100 //maximum leverage
HTTP Requests Get present open interest of a specific symbol.
GET /api/swap/v3/market/open_interest
Request Parameter
"symbol": "cmt_btcusdt",//Contract name
"amount": "4097696",//Total holdings
"base_volume": "4097.696",//Total holdings,left coin vol
"target_volume": "47124323.5392",//Total holdings,right coin vol
"timestamp": "1603109860796",// System Timestamp
"forwardContractFlag": true //Is it a forward contract
Response Field
Current Price Limits
Rate Limit:20 requests per 2 seconds
HTTP Requests Retrieve the ceiling of the buy price and floor of sell price of the contract.
GET /api/swap/v3/market/price_limit
Request Parameter
"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt", //Contract name
"forwardContractFlag":true, //Is it a forward contract
"highest":"14474.5", //Ceiling of buying price
"lowest":"4824.5", //Floor of selling price
"timestamp":"1591257126461" //System Timestamp
Response Field
Get Next Settlement Time
Rate Limit:20 requests per 2 seconds
HTTP Requests Get the time of next settlement.
GET /api/swap/v3/market/funding_time
Request Parameter
"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt", //Contract name
"forwardContractFlag":false, //Is it a forward contract
"funding_time":"1591282800000" //time of current funding
Response Field
Funding Rate History
Rate Limit:20 requests per 2 seconds
HTTP Requests Get funding rate history
GET /api/swap/v3/market/historyFundRate
Request Parameter
"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt", //Contract name
"funding_rate":"0.001", //current funding rate
"funding_time":"19238271212" //Settlement time
Response Field
Mark Price
Rate Limit:20 requests per 2 seconds
HTTP Requests Get the mark price.
GET /api/swap/v3/market/mark_price
Request Parameter
"symbol":"cmt_btcusdt", //Contract name
"mark_price":"8047.87", //Specify the margin price
"timestamp":"1591264230941" //System Timestamp